Green Screen

I recently went to Jekyll Island to meet with my Georgia Sea Turtle Center collaborator and attend the Green Screen event put on by EcoFest Film Fesitval, Georgia Sea Grant, and Jekyll Island.

Baby turtles at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center
Baby turtles at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center

I brought along undergraduate student Abby Stern to help present two posters we made. The event was free and open to the public. I met many people I have worked with, but had not met yet, and also saw familiar faces. At the poster session and reception, we were able to talk to the attendees about the Southeast Atlantic Marine Debris Initiative and our useful mobile app to map marine debris, Marine Debris Tracker.

Abby Talking to Surfrider Foundation about SEA-MDI and our app Marine Debris Tracker
Abby Talking to Surfrider Foundation about SEA-MDI and our app Marine Debris Tracker

Then we all went in to watch the outstanding movie, Chasing Ice. An estimated 800 people attended (well over the projected 300!).

2013-02-16 18.40.38
Chasing Ice Attendees

The movie was followed by an excellent panel and dialog.

2013-02-16 20.36.48
Chasing Ice Panel Discussion

As my first time to Jekyll Island, it was a fun and productive trip.

Marine Debris Tracker in Action
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